If you poke around on the Fordham website, you can find a campus map and lots of pictures of campus, but those often fail to give you an accurate sense of where things are and how they look in relation to each other.
This is a copy of the map of Rose Hill from the Fordham website:

The admissions office has also posted a virtual tour map, which you might want to take a look at: http://www.fordham.edu/discover_fordham/virtual_tours__video/rose_hill_interactiv_48686.asp
This first part of our photographic tour starts at O'Hare Hall, where I've lived for the past two years. You can find it on the far right side of your map.

This is a picture of O'Hare Hall.
Ok, we've walked out the door of O'Hare and are heading down the path towards the Fordham entrance and the Football Field.
On the right, we have Keating Hall, and on the left, you can see the side of the football field.
Here's a look at Keating Hall, where many of the administration offices are located, as well as classrooms, art studios, dance studios, and music practice rooms. It's also home to Fordham professional radio station, WFUV.
We're now making our way on the path past Tierney Hall, Freeman Hall, and alongside Edward's Parade, known as "Eddie's" to students. It was still a bit chilly out when I took this, but on a nice day, the green will be filled with students taking advantage of the sunshine, throwing around a frisbee, or hanging out with friends. At the far end of this photo is the McGinley Center, the student center where many club offices and the cafeteria are located.
Here's another look at Eddie's and at Keating. Eddie's is where commencement takes place; for graduation, the green is filled with folding chairs and students receive their diplomas on the Keating steps. Last year, U2 visited Fordham and performed right on the steps in front of hundreds of Fordham students who filled the space!
Now, we're making out way past Finlay Hall, Thebaud Hall, and Dealy Hall.
We're walking behind Duane Library, where the admissions office is, and past one of the science buildings, Larkin Hall. Up ahead, you can see the Walsh Library.
If you turn around, you can see Eddie's in the distance. The building on the left is Dealy Hall, where many classes are held and where the English, Anthropology, Economics, Psychology, and History departments are located.
Now, we're walking towards the Walsh Library. Up ahead, you can see Campbell Hall, a complex of four residence halls which is in construction. The halls will open in Fall 2010, and will house many upperclassmen.
If you turn around, you can see Dealy again. The gothic-style building on the right is Duane Library, where the admissions office and the Theology Department are located.
We've now walked up to Walsh Library. Here's a look at the portico in the front.
If you turn around and look where we just walked from, you can see Martyr's Hall, a residence hall, and Collins Hall, Fordham's theatre and home to the Philosophy Department.
This concludes Part 1 of the photographic walk around Fordham. Stay tuned for a look at the other side of campus, including the Freshmen residence halls, Church, and Student Center!
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