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Last year a group of Chinese students came up with an idea to introduce CSSA to Fordham.
Today, I invited Public Relations Officer Tiantian (Tina) Wan and President Hao (Vincent ) Ye to talk aboutCSSA at Fordham.
(Introduction by Tiantian Wan)
Jiayi Xu: What is CSSA?
Vincent Ye: Fordham CSSA (Chinese Students and Scholars Association) is a non-profit organization founded and organized by the Chinese students at Fordham University. Like most CSSAs throughout the world, the mission of our CSSA is to provide a platform for overseas Chinese students, scholars and other professionals to unite together, build network, and share Chinese culture. All people who are interested in China or Chinese culture are welcomed to join.
VY: Fordham CSSA is dedicated to the goal of promoting social, intellectual, and cultural activities for Chinese students and scholars at Fordham University as well as others who are interested in Chinese cultures. We also promote mutual understandings of cultures and encourage communications inside and outside of the Fordham.
JX: What can CSSA do for students at Fordham?
VY: We help new Chinese students adapt to the US culture and lifestyle, provide platform of recreational activities for current students, and provide networking opportunities with successful Chinese in New York City. For example, we wrote a New Students Guide for Chinese freshmen. The guide covers housing, dining, transportation, shopping, banking, phone plans, academics, and so on. Moreover, we work to promote exchanges between Fordham CSSA and other CSSAs in greater New York area. We inform members of various events in New York, such as Chinese film festivals and forums. Besides,, we hold parties to celebrate traditional Chinese festivals, such as Chinese New Year Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival.
JX: What kinds of goals or plans does CSSA have for the future?
VY: We want to encourage Chinese students at Fordham to rate their professors from Chinese students' perspective. By creating a Chinese version rate-my-professor, Chinese students can share their experiences of difference classes and professors, and help each other to achieve academic excellence. Studying aboard is a big challenge, so CSSA wants to be a big resource and guidance to every Chinese student. For long term, we want to obtain official club status. Because of the growing size of Fordham Chinese students, we need Fordham to support us to arrange more events and diversify school activities. Also, we want to improve cooperation and promote communications with other clubs on campus. We will continue to try our best to help Chinese students to improve life at Fordham.